So you’ve hit the big 4-0 and struggling to ditch the gut and get fit for life. You know it’s important to the quality of your life to be LEaner, Fitter, and healthier but are unsure of the best way to make it fit your lifestyle without spending hours in the gym and kitchen

If you’re like the men I’ve helped you probably feel like…

  • Your genetics make it impossible to build muscle and get lean.

  • You’re “over the hill” and you won’t be able to build your dream body.

  • You don’t have enough hours in the day.

  • Joint pain, stiffness, and nagging aches are here to stay.

  • Your health is setting a poor example for your family

  • You feel guilty knowing you need to change but overwhelmed with how to move forward.

  • Your struggles in the gym and wreaking havoc on your confidence and impacting your sex life.

  • Mental fog and dwindling energy are preventing you from reaching your professional potential.

If any of those points hit home, I understand.

It’s not your fault.

But it is your responsibility to change.

And I’ve got just the right plan to help you take charge .

neurotype training and diet
personality based results

The Neurotyping system importance of Neurochemistry and its role in behaviour, as well as optimal training and nutrition.

The Neurotyping system is based on the principle that your brain chemistry influences your training preferences as well as how you will react to various training parameters like volume, intensity, frequency, variation, exercises selection, rest intervals, etc.

And since what we eat also has an impact on the various neurotransmitter levels, it stands to reason that there will an optimal way to eat depending on your brain chemistry: the ideal eating pattern, food selection, and macronutrients ratio will vary depending on the impact you want to have on specific neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters play a big role in your personality but also on various key elements like stress tolerance/response, motivation, drive, and the need for structure or variation.

When you know which personality traits are associated with high or low levels of activity for each brain chemical, you can paint an accurate picture of your brain chemistry by evaluating those traits.

Metabolic Prime

Putting health first we establish your baseline and prime the body for more effective fat loss

Stuart 6 weeks before and after

STUART, 6 weeks before and after

Metabolic Flux - Rapid Fat loss

Using our 5/2 Cyclical Dieting System we effortlessly strip away body fat without doing crazy amounts of cardio (unless your into that kinda thing). Allowing us to build, maintain and reveal that lean athletic muscular physique.

ATHLETE LEAN/Athlete strong

in this phase we ramp up the intensity of the training as we start to ramp up the calories using a reverse diet strategy whoch will amplify your strength, muscle and performance

Watch this short video that breaks the behind the scenes of Athlete Build,

We take a quick tour of the training portal, your personal hub, the performance reviews.

  • This is dependant on how much time you have. In general you'll need 4-6 hours for training and meal prep. with 30-60 mins for the content and calls.

  • There will be varying levels of effort, which I will teach you the reasons behind why.  The majority of the program will be in the lifestyle phase. During this time I expect you to hit targets 80% of the time, NOT be perfect, and I will teach you how to eat out, go to events, have vacations, and still be directional with your goals.  I will share how to balance treats, drinks, and processed food in weekly.

  • You have access to me through Asynchronous Coaching. Which means I will be available to you as you need. So need to wait for the calls or the check ins. However, as i deal with people in different time zones. I can not be on my phone 24 hours a day. I have 2 coaching blocks per day meaning you will get a reply within 12 hours.
    Check ins are Completed on a weekly basis via your completed form and then feedback given to you as you request. (text, video or Voice note)